Python in half an hour

In what follows in this tutorial, the result of a statement is expressed in the form of #result#, unless otherwise mentioned.

  • Basic arithmetic operations

    # Comments start with a hash sign (#).
    1 + 2   # Addition 
    1 / 2   #0# Division
    1 / 2.  #0.5# If either one of the numbers in a division is a float,
            #     so does the result.
    3 % 2   #1# Modulus
    2 ** 3  #8# Power. Equivalent to pow(2,3).
  • Variables

    # A valid name of a variable is an alpha-numeric string
    # consisting of one or more letters, digits or underscore characters,
    # just like in C.
    x = 3           # Assignment
    x + 1           #4#
    x = None        # None is is a built-in constant
                    # that represents the absence of a value.
    x, y = 1, 2     # Multiple assignments at a time
  • Import modules

    import math
    # If you do not want to write the module name each time you call the function
    from math import *
    # If you are sure that you only need sqrt() in the math module
    from math import sqrt
    # Module alias
    import math as m
    # Function alias
    from math import sqrt as sq
  • Strings

    # Strings can be expressed with double quotes (") or single quotes (').
    # There is no difference bettwen double quotes and single quotes.
    x = "abc"
    x = 'abc'   # Exactly the same as above
    y = "ab'cd'ef"  # 'cd' is part of the string.
    z = 'ab"cd"ef'  # "cd" is part of the string. The strings y and z are not the same.
    # String formatting
    # Use C-like conversion specifiers.
    'test %s %d %.1f' % ('abc', 10, 10.33)   #'test abc 10 10.3'#
    # String methods
    '  /sys/fs  '.strip()    #'/sys/fs'# Remove whitespaces on the left and the right.
    '/sys/fs'.split('/')     #['', 'sys', 'fs']#
  • Lists

    # Lists start with [ and end with ].
    # Elements are separated by a comma (,).
    x = [1, 2, 3]
    # A list can hold different types of elements.
    y = [1, 2, "abc", [5,6]]
    # List methods
    z = ['b', 'a']
    z.append('c')   #['b','a','c']#
    z.index('b')    #0# Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value
    z.sort()        #['a','b','c']#
    z.remove('a')   # Removes the element that appears first.
  • Tuples

    # Tuples start with ( and end with ).
    # Tuples are just like lists with an exception that they cannot be changed.
    x = (1, 2)
    # Values separated by commas automatically becomes a tuple.
    x = 1, 2    # The same as above.
    # A tuple with a single element
    x = (1,)    # Here the comma is important. (1) is just 1. 
  • Sequence commons: strings, lists, and tuples are called sequences.

    x = '123'
    y = [1, 2, 3]
    z = (1, 2, 3)
    # Sequences can be indexed as follows:
    x[0]        #'1'#
    y[0:2]      #[1,2]# Returns a list with elements such that 0<=index<2.
    z[1:]       #(2,3)# Return a tuple with elements such that 1<=index.
    x[:2]       #'12'# Returns a string with elements such that index<2. 
    y[-1]       #3# Returns the last element.
    z[-2]       #2# Returns the second last element.
    y[:]        #[1, 2, 3]# Returns a list with all elements.
    # Addition and multiplication for sequences
    # Two objects of the same type can be added.
    x + '4'     #'1234'#
    y + [4, 5]  #[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]#
    z + (4,)    #(1, 2, 3, 4)#
    # Multiplication can be understood as multiple additions.
    y*3         #[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]# Regard it as y+y+y.
    # Pairing elements of two sequences
    x = [1, 2, 3]
    y = [4, 5, 6]
    zip(x, y)   #[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]#
    # * operator: argument unpacking
    z = [x, y]
    zip(*z)     #[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]# The same as zip(x,y)
  • Dictionaries

    # A dictionary starts with { and ends with },
    # and it is like a hash table that maps a key to a value.
    # An element is defined as a pair of a key and a value.
    d = {'key1':'value1', 'key2':'value2'}
    d = {}                  # An empty dictionary
    d['key3'] = 'value3'    # Adds a key-value pair.
    d['key3']               #'value3'# Returns a value for the key
    # The key must be immutable.
    d['abc'] = 3        # OK
    d[(a,b)] = [1,2]    # OK
    d[3] = 'abc'        # OK
    d[[1,2,3]] = 2      # Not OK, since a list is mutable.
    # Dictionary methods
    d.get(key)      # Returns a value corresponding to the key.
    d.has_key(key)  # Returns True if the key in the dictionary, and False otherwise.
    d.items()       # Returns a list of (key, value) tuple pairs.
    d.keys()        # Returns a list of keys.
    d.values()      # Returns a list of values.
    d.copy()        # Return a dictionary object that
                    # has exactly the same contents as d.
  • Print to screen

    # Note that what is shown here valid in Python 2.7 only.
    # Syntax for print is quite changed in Python 3.4.
    x = 1
    y = [1,2]
    print 3                 #3#
    print 3, "abc"          #3 abc#
    print "%d %d" % (3, 4)  #3 4#
    print x,                #1# Trailing comma suppresses newline.
    print str(y)            #[1, 2]# str() transforms an object into a string.
    print repr(y)           #[1, 2]# 
                            # Most of times, repr() results in the same as str().
  • Assignment is by reference!

    # One thing to remember
    # when you assign a list or a dictionary (i.e., mutable objects) to another variable:
    # Assignment is always by reference, not by copy.
    x = [1, 2, 3]
    y = x           # Here, y get a reference to what x points to, i.e., [1, 2, 3]
    y[0] = 4
    x               #[4, 2, 3]# Note that x is changed by y.
    # To copy a list
    y = x[:]        # Creates a new list that contains all elements of x.
    y[0] = 4
    x               #[1 ,2 ,3]#
    # To copy a dictionary
    x = {1: 1}
    y = x
    z = x.copy()    # Use the copy() method.
    y[1] = 2
    z[1] = 3
    print str(x), str(y), str(z)    #{1: 2} {1: 2} {1: 3}#
  • Conditionals

    if x == 5:          # Note that there is a colon (:) at the end.
        # All statements in a block must be indented by the same amount.
        # Otherwise, you will see an error.
        x += 1
        y = x + 2
        print x, y
    elif x in [4,5,6]:  # True if x is one of 4, 5, or 6.
        if x != 2:      # Conditions can be nested.
            print x
        # Empty blocks are not allowed.
        # Put 'pass' for a placeholder when you want do nothing.
  • The for-loops

    x = [1, 2, 3]
    for v in x:         # Iterates the elements of x from the first to the last.
        print v,        #1 2 3#
    range(3)            #[0, 1, 2]# Returns a list of integers from 0 to 3-1.
    range(1,4)          #[1, 2, 3]# Returns a list of integers from 1 to 4-1.
    for i in range(3):
        print x[i],     #1 2 3#
  • The while-loops

    x = 5
    while x > 0:
        x -= 1
        if x == 3:
            continue    # continue as in C
        if x == 1:
            break       # break as in C
        print x,        #4 2#
  • List comprehension: making a list from other list

    x = [i*2 for i in range(5)]
    y = [i*2 for i in range(5) if i%2 == 0]
    x       #[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]#
    y       #[0, 4, 8]#
  • Iterating over a dictionary

    d = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'}
    for k, v in d.items():
        print str(k) + ':' + v,   #1:a 2:b 3:c#
    # The following is the same as above.
    key = d.keys()
    value = d.values()
    for k, v in zip(key, value):
        print str(k) + ':' + v,   #1:a 2:b 3:c#
  • Functions

    # Writing your own functions
    def foo(arg1):      # Do not forget the colon at the end.
        x = arg1 + 1
        return x        # You can omit the return statement
                        # if there is nothing to return.
    def bar(arg1, arg2 = 3):    # arg2 gets its value as 3 by default.
        x = arg2 + 1
        return arg1[0], x       # Here, arg1 can be of any type except
                                # a literal constant.
    q, w = bar('abc')       # You can omit the argument that has its default value.
    print q, w              #a 4#
    print bar('abc')        #('a', 4)# arg1 is a string.
    print bar('abc', 4)     #('a', 5)# Put something to change the default value.
    print bar([1, 2])       #(1, 4)# arg1 is a list.
    print bar((5, 6))       #(5, 4)# arg1 is a tuple.
    print bar(7)            # An error
    # Make use of argument unpacking operator (*).
    x = (1, 2)
    def add(a, b):
        return a+b
    print add(*x)              #3# Just add(x) will cause an error.
    # A function can have a different name.
    my_add = add
    my_add(1,2)                #3#
    # Lambda expressions
    add2 = lambda arg1, arg2: arg1+arg2
    add2(1,2)                  #3#
    # Lambda expressions may be used when you pass an argument that is a function.
    a = [(1,1),(1,0),(2,0),(2,1)]
    sorted(a, key=lambda x:x[0])        #[(1, 1), (1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 1)]#
                                        # Sort by the first element of tuples
    sorted(a, key=lambda x:x[1])        #[(1, 0), (2, 0), (1, 1), (2, 1)]#
                                        # Sort by the second element of tuples
    sorted(a, key=lambda x:(x[0],x[1])) #[(1, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0), (2, 1)]#
                                        # Sort by the first and then the second
    # To change global variables within a function
    x = 1
    def foo(a):
        global x        # Without this, x won't be changed.
        x += a
  • Exceptions

    # If something bad happens within a try block, an exception is raised.
    def foo(x):
        y = 1
            y = y/x
        except ZeroDivisionError:   # You can specify the type of
                                    # an exception to deal with.
            print "divided by zero"
        except:                     # All exceptions other than
                                    # the above are handled here.
            print "something else"
    foo(0)                          #divided by zero#
    foo('1')                        #something else#
    # Raise exceptions and catch exception objects.
    import traceback                    # To use print_exc()
        raise Exception("my exception") # Raise an exception with some argument.
    except Exception as e:              # The 'Exception' is the base of all exception
                                        # objects, so it can catch all exceptions.
        if e.args == ("my exception",): # You can check what argument is in.
            print "my exception occurs"
        print e.args[0]                 #my exception#
                                        # Print the argument of the exception.
        # Print exception information by which you can locate the culprit.
    # The else-clause: executed when there is no problem in the try block.
    while True:
        default = '1'
        menu = 1
            # Take an input from a user
            # Just typing the enter key will cause the default value to be chosen.
            t = raw_input("Enter a number (default="+default+"): ") or default
            menu = int(t) % 10
            print 'You selected ' + str(menu)
            print 'Invalid input'    # e.g., character inputs will come to here.
            break       # Executed if no exceptions are raised in the try block.
  • Reading from and writing to a file

    fr = open('text.txt', 'r')      # Open text.txt to read.
    fw = open('result.txt', 'w')    # Open result.txt to write.
    for line in fr.readlines():     # Iterate text.txt line by line.
        fw.write(line + ' some')    # Write a string as a a line
    fr.close()                      # Do not forget to close files
  • Some useful built-in functions

    x = [1, 0, 2]
    len(x)              #3# Returns a length of a sequence.
    max(x)              #2$ Returns the largest element.
    min(x)              #0# Returns the smallest element.
    sorted(x)           # Returns a list of sorted elements of a sequence.
    sum(x)              #3# Returns the sum of all elements.
    # The 'in' operator returns True if a value is in a sequence and False otherwise.
    2 in x              #True# 
    # To delete an element of a list or a dictionary
    del x[1]            # Here, 1 is an index.
    d = {1:2, 3:4}
    del d[1]            # Here, 1 is a key.
    # Convert a string or a number to an integer or an floating number.
    int('12')           #12#
    int(12.3)           #12# 
    float("3.3")        #3.3#

Drawing a graph

You may need to additionally install numpy and matplotlib modules to plot a graph. In Ubuntu, the easiest way to get them is to type:

$ sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-matplotlib

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x1 = [1, 4, 8]
y1 = [0.5, 2, 4]

x2 = [1, 2, 3]
x2_array = np.array(x2)     # np.array() makes an array object.
y2_array = x2_array ** 2    # The array object enables
                            # MATLAB-like element-wise operations

# plt.plot() takes lists or arrays as its data arguments.
plt.plot(x1, y1, x2_array, y2_array)

# The following commands are self-explanatory.
plt.xlabel('label for x-axis')
plt.ylabel('label for y-axis', fontsize=15)
plt.legend(['x/2', 'pow(x,2)'])
plt.xlim(0, 9)
plt.ylim(0, 10)
plt.savefig('fig1.png', format='png')   # Try pdf, eps, ... almost all you can imagine.

# Whenever you want another figure

plt.plot(x1, y1, 'r--')

plt.plot(x2_array, y2_array, 'b.', markersize=30)
plt.xlim(0, 4)
plt.ylim(0, 10)


Redirect a text stream to your Python script

Sometimes you may want to process the output of Linux commands within Python scripts by redirecting. Use the following example script in such a case. Say you write the codes in and you want to catch the lines that contain ‘kworker’ from /proc/kmsg. Then, type:

$ sudo cat /proc/kmsg | python kworker file1.txt

import sys

if (len(sys.argv) != 3):
    print '\n Usage example:'
    print ' When you want to find lines from /proc/kmsg that contain "kworker",'
    print ' print them to screen, and store them into file1.txt,'
    print ' sudo cat /proc/kmsg | python '+sys.argv[0]+' kworker file1.txt\n'

fo = open(sys.argv[2], "w")

while True:
        line = sys.stdin.readline() # Reads a line from stdin
    except KeyboardInterrupt:       # until a user hits ctrl+c

    if not line:                    # or until there is nothing left to read

    if sys.argv[1] in line:
        print line
        fo.write(line + '\n')


Regular expressions

A regular expression specifies a set of strings that matches it. You may have to spend non-trivial time to be familiar with all pattern syntaxes of regular expressions. Here, we show just a few of use cases. For more detail, refer to:

import re

text1 = 'Fig. 1: initially there are 60 points in each class.'
text2 = 'My phone number is 123-456-7890.'
text3 = 'MemFree:           50116 kB'
lines = [text1, text2, text3]

# See if text1 contains 'where'.
m1 ='where', text1, flags=0)
print repr(m1)   #None#
if m1:           # None is equivalent to False in a condition.
    print "This won'n be printed."

# See if text1 is a string that contains 'there' somewhere in it.
m2 ='.*there.*', text1, flags=0)    
# '.*' means any character of 0 or more occurrences.

if m2:            # If matched, m2 is not None.
    # is the whole string that matches the pattern '.*there.*'.

# Use parentheses for grouping
m3 ='.*([A-Z]).*there.*\s(\d+).*', text1, flags=0)
# Why 'r' before the opening quote? Check raw strings!
# Without the 'r', all backslashes must be twice-typed.
# To avoid confusion, patterns in Python code are
# usually expressed in raw string notation.
# '[A-Z]' means an alphabet between A and Z,
# '\s' a white space, and
# '\d+' a digit of 1 or more occurrences.

if m3:
    print   #F# The string captured within the first parentheses.
    print   #60# The string captured within the second parentheses.

# See if text2 contains a phone number
m4 ='\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}', text2, flags=0)
if m4:
    print    #123-456-7890#

# Parse the number that corresponds to Memfree from a list of strings.
for line in lines:
    m5 ='MemFree:\s+(\d+)\s+kB', line, flags=0)
    if m5:
        print    #50116#


Python provides all the standard features of object oriented programming by classes:

class Person:
    # Class variables defined in this way
    # are shared by all instances,
    # like static member variables in C++.
    cnt = 0       

    # The initializer method, like a constructor in C++.
    def __init__(self, name_):
        # Class variables defined in this way
        # are unique to each instance. = name_

        # Access like a static member variable in C++.
        Person.cnt += 1

    # Class methods
    def showCount(self):
        print "The number of Persons are %d." % (Person.cnt)

    def showName(self):
        print "My name is %s." % (

# Creating instances
p1 = Person('James')
p2 = Person('Matt')
p1.showName()       #My name is James.#
p2.showName()       #My name is Matt.#
p1.showCount()      #The number of Persons are 2.#

# Class members are normally all public in C++ terminology.
print Person.cnt,,      #2 James Matt#

# Add or remove attributes of class instances.
p1.age = 10
del p1.age

# Inheritance
class Student(Person):  # Inherits from Persion
    def __init__(self, name_, grade_):
        self.grade = grade_
        Person.__init__(self, name_)
    def showGrade(self):
        print "Hmm.. My grade is %s." % (self.grade)

    # All methods in Python are virtual in C++ terminology:
    # Derived classes override methods of the same name defined in their base classes.
    def showName(self):
        # This is how to extend rather than simply replace
        # the base class method of the same name.
        print 'And I am a student.'

s = Student('Aaron', 'A+')
s.showName()        #My name is Aaron.\nAnd I am a student.#
s.showGrade()       #Hmm.. My grade is A+.#